Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

The mash-up of three news articles

Original Articles.

Donatella Versace

Picture this: Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton in a body-hugging, possibly cleavage-baring, thigh-revealing Versace dress (safety pins optional). Is this the image you have of a woman in politics or power? Well, whether you agree or not, if Donatella had her way, the former first lady could very well be wearing one of these floor-skimming frocks instead of the "power" suits she has taken to wearing. Attending the White House Correspondents' dinner on Saturday evening, the famed designer said: "Hillary should wear Versace - a dress, not trousers. She doesn't need to wear trousers to show she's strong."

Zhang Yin

Paper-recycling tycoon Zhang Yin has become the first woman to top the list of China's richest people, with a fortune of $3.4bn (£1.8bn).
Ms Zhang is the 49-year-old founder of Nine Dragons Paper, which buys scrap paper from the US for use in China. Her wealth rose from $375m last year, when she was 36th in the annual China Rich List, compiled by Hurun Report. Nine Dragons' shares have almost tripled in value since they were listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Ms Zhang is now the richest self-made woman in the world, ahead of US TV celebrity Oprah Winfrey and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling.
She takes over the top position from retail magnate Huang Guangyu of Gome Electrical Appliances.
There are 35 women on the 500-strong Hurun list, which contains 15 billionaires, double the number from 2005. In July, Chinese president Hu Jintao called for greater measures to tackle the wealth gap.
The divide has accelerated as market forces exert a greater control over the economy, which grew at 11.3% in the second quarter of 2006.

Steve Jobs

There are an awful lot of Silicon Valley CEOs sporting beards these days. As Michael Copeland writes in the current issue of Fortune, “it takes more than leading-edge technology and a Stanford MBA to make it big in high tech. Apparently it takes whiskers.” So the magazine organized a contest: The Silicon Valley Beard-off. It pulled together a spread of eight unshaven execs and invited a panel of three distinguished judges to choose the best beard of the bunch. You can see the results here. You can also vote for your favorite among the four semi-finalists: Apple’s (AAPL) Steve Jobs, Flickr’s (YHOO) Stewart Butterfield, Pixar’s (DIS) Ed Catmull, and Oracle’s (ORCL) Larry Ellison. Click here. The leader in early returns — with 53% of votes cast as of Wednesday morning — is Steve Jobs. Vox populi is clearly at variance with Fortune’s judges. They didn’t vote Apple’s grizzled CEO past the first round, in which he edged out Steve Wozniak.

The Mash-up.

Women in politics or power grew at 11.3% from 2005. There are 35 women on the 500-strong Hurun list, which contains 15 billionaires, double the number from 2005.

Ms Zhang Yin, the richest self-made woman in the world, takes 53% of the Chinese economy in July. Chinese president Hu Jintao called for the White House Correspondents' dinner on Saturday evening. Apparently US TV celebrity Oprah Winfrey and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling are attending. Well, whether you agree or not, Zhang Yin’s Nine Dragons' shares have almost tripled in value since they were listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange which takes over the top position from the famed designer, Steve Jobs. Jobs said: “Ms Zhang should wear a dress not trousers.”

Sunday, May 4, 2008

[UT04] Final Developed Model

Application of the Quotes in the model:

Stephan William Hawking

  • "God not only plays dice, he throws them in the corner where you can't see them."
  • Many hiding spaces were created.

Jane Goodall

  • "I wanted to talk to the animals like Mr. Doolittle."
  • Large objects and Ancient Egyptian theme to create a supernatural enironment.

Florence Nightingale

  • "How very little can be done under the spirit of fear."
  • The theme of fear was produced through the use of dark shadows.

Model uploaded at FileFront.

UT2004 Final Model

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Electroliquid Aggregation

Stephan William Hawking:
  • God not only plays dice, he throws them in the corner where you can't see them.

Florence Nightingale:

  • How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.


  • The spirit of fear directs them to where you can't see them.

[UT04] 2nd Draft Model

[UT04] Draft Model

36 Textures